E-Medicina Pharmacy

Oral Health at E-medicina

At E-medicina, we have range of products to ensure you have the best options to look after your oral health. We have products suitable for new born babies up to adults. We have a range of toothbrushes suitable for delicate young teeth, or sensitive teeth. We also stock electronic toothbrushes which provide an advantage in

Baby Care at E-medicina…….

At e-medicina, we have a variety of products to take care of your babies and children ranging from cough/ cold medicines, vitamins, indigestion treatments and nappies. We have multivitamins that contain the essential vitamins crucial for babies healthy growth. We have a range of pain relief + cough medicines specifically designed for children, they are

Benefits of Vitamin D supplementation…..

Vitamin D is crucial for all round good body health. It helps maintain a strong immune system and keep bones strong. Vitamin D works by helping regulate the amount of calcium + phosphate in the body, these nutrients ensure bones, teeth & muscles stay healthy. Lack of vitamin D can lead bone deformation and pain

Get your vitamin supplements at e-medicina

In need of a vitamin boost? At e-medicina, we’ve got you covered from vitamin C supplementation, multivitamins and vitamins specific to men/ women/ teens and babies. Vitamin A is important for normal vision, supporting your immune system and helps organs within your body to function properly. Vitamin B helps prevents infections and support cell growth,

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