e-Medicina is your trusted online pharmacy in the UK. We take extra pride in delivering the most efficient pharmacy service conveniently.
Having your medication delivered is easy. Just follow our three easy steps to start receiving everything you need, straight to your door.
e-Medicina is your trusted online pharmacy in the UK. We take extra pride in delivering the most efficient pharmacy service conveniently.
Days of the week
Happy patients
Incredible team
Dispensing NHS Prescriptions is at the core of our business. We pride ourselves on the high levels of service that we offer our prescription customers.
.As well as working closely with the NHS, we also work with private doctors to dispense private prescriptions.
.We work hard to provide free NHS Prescription delivery to all of our customers and housebound patients. Find out more about this service here.
.We also dispense NHS repeat dispensing prescriptions. This means you can obtain your regular medicines directly from the us. We can keep your batch prescriptions safe for you at the pharmacy or you can hold on to them as long as we have the authorising prescription.
Our Pharmacists and trained assistants are available to provide advice on all medicines and minor ailments. We can also give you advice on how to live a healthy life, for example, advice on how to stop smoking or healthy diets. We can direct you to other sources of advice and assistance if we cannot help you ourselves.
When the pharmacy is closed, if you urgently need medical help or advice, but it is, not a life-threatening situation, contact NHS 111, by calling 111. Information can also be accessed at www.nhs.uk.
At e-medicina we use special packing system called â...
At e-medicina we stock Freestyle Libre2 sensor which...
“Great online pharmacy with competitive prices and quick delivery. â€
“Easy to order medication and prescriptions. I highly recommend using e-Medicina's online pharmacy. â€
“Great online service that saves you time. Recommended for anyone that is busy and short of time. â€
e-Private Prescription (EPP) is a web-based proprietary software used by private doctors to send prescriptions electronically to pharmacists. It uses encryption and an advanced electronic signature fully complying to current UK legislation. This makes it very secure and acceptable to both doctors and pharmacists.
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