Bazuka verruca treatment gel – 6g




Bazuka gel is used for the treatment of verrucas and warts. It is designed to inhibit the spread of such infections and forms a water resistant protective barrier.



Active ingredients: Salicylic Acid 12.0% w/w, Lactic Acid 4.0% w/w

Also contains: Camphor, Pyroxylin, Ethanol, Ethyl Acetate

Carefully apply a thin coating (1 or 2 drops) of Bazuka Treatment Gel to the surface of the verruca, wart, corn or callus once every night, and allow to dry. Care should be taken to minimise spreading onto surrounding skin as Bazuka Treatment Gel may be an irritant.

Keep away from eyes, mucous membranes, cuts and grazes. Not to be used on or near the face, neck, armpits, breasts, bottom or genital (sex) regions, or by diabetics or individuals who suffer from poor blood circulation to the hands or feet. Not to be used on birthmarks, moles, warts with hairs growing from them, or any other spots.

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